
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Destination Swan Plants

"Come and have a look at the swan plants." was the cry I heard as I walked into class this morning. We all zoomed across the garden. "Hooray" was the shout. "We have got a chrysalis!" Some day there might be butterflies all around the garden.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tabloid Sports

We had a great day last week - Tabloid Sports Day - The sun shone and we ran, skipped and jumped all over the field. The whole class agreed that one of the best events was the parachute, but they also enjoyed the three-legged race, relays and the football dribble.
We are currently working on putting together a short video about the day. We will post it as soon as it is ready. Watch this space...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Swan Plants

It was important to us that our garden would be for vegetables and for butterflies. We have planted swan plants every 2 meters. We have already seen some caterpillars crawling around eating the leaves. Hopefully we will get to see chrysalises developing and beautiful new Monarch butterflies emerging. We have been learning in class about the butterflies life cycle and also about predators that eat caterpillars. In technology we used K'nex and Klikko to make contraptions that would protect the chrysalis on the swan plant. We had to make sure that the caterpillar could get in and the butterfly could get out. Some of our contraptions were very imaginative and had cameras and other high-tec equipment to protect the chrysalises.

Look how are garden is growing! Gillian suggested that we grow lots of blue flowers in our garden to attract the bees. We will end up with more tomatoes and peas if we have lots of bees coming to polinate the flowers.

Our Garden

Earlier this term we were lucky to have Gillian from The Green Door to help up set up our Year 3 garden. We have been busy weeding and watering and the flowers are blooming and hopefully the tomatoes and peas will be ready soon.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Book Day

We had such a great time on Book Day. Every single class member was dressed up as a book character and arrived at school clutching their book. A big THANK YOU to everyone who bought books at the Book Fair. We are currently making a wish list of Big Books we would like to purchase to use in class.