
Monday, December 10, 2012

Term 4 Week 9 News

The last full week of term is upon us!

No homework this week. I have collected in all the homework books and book bags. If you have any more at home, or any readers or junior journals please send them in this week.

Today is our farewell to Bob our caretaker. We are having a special assembly at 2 o’clock in the hall this afternoon. Thank you for sending all the children in their fabulous country and western clothing – the whole school looks fabulous.

Tomorrow is our special assembly for Robin Gray who also retires at the end of this year. The assembly is at 2 o’clock in the Community Centre. Normal school clothing tomorrow.

Thursday is Parent Helpers Morning Tea – in the school hall at 11 o’clock.

Looking ahead to next week…

Monday is another mufti day. This time it is to ensure that school uniforms remain clean for the End of Year Celebration taking place at Iona at 6:30. Children all need to arrive and be seated by 6:15 in readiness.

Wednesday is the final day of school this year. We finish at 1pm.

May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your help and support this year. The class has been wonderful and we could not have had all the wonderful learning experiences we have had without all of your support.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Term 4 Week 6 Notices

Another short newsletter this week

Swimming – Wednesday and Friday

This week we will be starting to make our puppets. We are making sock puppets of some of the characters in the stories and plays we have been busy writing. If you have a spare sock that we can use to create our sock puppets please can you send it in tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Return of Jack

Conner has been working on his story The Return of Jack and has been looking at the characters. He made this Popplet about the characters in the story.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Term 4 Week 5 Notices

Just a short newsletter this week

Library – Monday afternoon – don’t forget to return all of those books

Swimming – Wednesday and Friday

Hats – we are now well into our ‘No hat no play’ policy and when its not raining the sum can be very hot especially at lunch time. The uniform shop has a new stock of school hats in so if children can now be wearing school hats every day that would be great.

This weekend is The Peak Trail Blazer. Unfortunately I won’t be taking part as I have to drive down to Wellington to collect my son but hopefully all of you who are taking part will have a fabulous day. If you are not walking or running but would like to watch other people doing all the hard work we still need some more marshalls. If you can help please contact the Peak Trail Blazer Crew at 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our New Couch

Look at our lovely new couch. We are so exciting to have the new couch in our classroom. We are taking it in turns to sit on the couch but some of us enjoyed maths bingo on the ipad on the couch today.

Many thanks to Phoebe's dad Pete from Kauri House Auctions for donating the couch to us for the rest of the term.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Term 4 Week 3 News

At last a full week, its going to seem like a long one…

We got to the library today but the computer was not co-operating so our books will be issues tomorrow. If you have a book that needs returning please send it back as soon as possible and your child can choose another one before next week.

Lucky Book Club. Orders to be in by this Friday please. Cheques to be made payable to Havelock North Primary.

We still have a few children without hats. I realise that the weather has not yet made them really necessary but it is a Term 4 rule, “No hat, no play”.

This weekend is Blast in the Park. I’m certain its going to be fine on Saturday night (I’ve got my fingers crossed) so make sure you have got your tickets. I will be there from 7pm so come and find me and say hello.

The Peak Trail Blazer is not far off either. Have you entered yet? And have you seen our entries into the Peak Trail Blazer Video Competition? They are further down on the blog if you want to take a look.

Swimming starts this week!
We will be swimming on Wednesday and Friday this week. Don’t forget your togs and a towel in a bag to carry down to the pools. Bring goggles and a hat if you want to. Girls, if you don’t wear a hat you will need to tie up your hair so bring a hair band with you.

On Thursday we have Mrs Dinah Harvey, a maths advisor from Advisors Plus working with me and some children from our class. She will be spending an hour teaching us some algebra activities which we hope to share with the rest of the class the following week.

Friday, October 26, 2012

This week we have made videos about the Peak Trail Blazer. There is a competition and the best video will go onto the Peak Trail Blazer website and their Facebook page! We could be famous!

Here are the videos we have entered.

The first video is an iMovie Trailer made by Holly, Millie, Bhanu, Marcus and Kalani.

The next video is made in iMovie by Meg, Paige, Taylor, Hugh and Isabella. 
They wanted a newspaper reporter to come and interview some people who were going to take part in the Peak Trail Blazer.

This next video is an Animoto made by Alex, William, Bronson, Ethan and Hadley.

Our final video is again made in iMovie by Keira, Greta, Phoebe, Zoe and Conner.
They suggested a group of children having a conversation about the Peak Trail Blazer over lunch.

I think that you will agree that all of the children have done a fantastic job of making these videos and getting all of the important information into them.