
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Room 18

Wow - look Room 18 has moved!

We wonder how they moved Room 18 - Meg and Hadley
We wonder who put Room 18 there. - Taylor and Greta
We wonder how the digger got out - Zoe and Isabella
We wonder why did they move Room 18 - Millie and Holly
We wonder how they put the wooden piles underneath. - William, Bronson and Kalani
We wonder where the digger went - Conner and Hugh
We wonder how they made the the pipes show - Phoebe and Paige.

Week 5 Newsletter

Term 1 Week 5
Monday 27th February
Dear Parents,

Lucky Book Club – This is the final week to be able to order from Issue 1 of Lucky Book Club. Please send orders with payment directly to the classroom by Friday 2nd March. Cheques need to be made payable to Havelock North Primary.
School Picnic – After the postponement of this event last week due to the weather we will try again this Thursday, 1st March from 5:30 until 7:00. The picnic will be held on the school field.
Beginning of the Year Interviews – Interviews are to be held this afternoon, Monday 26th and tomorrow, Tuesday 27th. School closes at 3pm as usual.
Mathletics Passwords are in homework books.
Library – Our day is a Monday. Please remember to send books in every week.
Chocolate Fundraising – Chocolates will start to be issued to children this week. Sales are to take place over a five week period with Friday 30th March being the close off day. Boxes are selling for $30 with $10.50 from each box going directly to the school. It has been suggested that the profits from this year’s chocolate sales goes on supporting the new property development, possible on the landscaping of the new rooms. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I am good at

hide and seek

I am good at

hide and seek

I am good at

hide and seek
climbing trees
drawing dinosaurs

I am good at

making shows for mum and dad
sleeping in

Week 4 Newsletter

Term 1 Week 4
Monday 20th February
Dear Parents,

Finally a short newsletter!

Library – Our day is a Monday. Please remember to send books in every week.
Lucky Book Club – Please send orders with payment directly to the classroom by Friday 2nd March. Cheques need to be made payable to Havelock North Primary.
School Picnic – This Thursday, 23rd February from 5:30 until 7:30 on the school field – let’s hope it stops raining.
Beginning of the Year Interviews - It is lovely to see so many of you have already booked your times. Lots of spaces still available, especially on the Tuesday after 3 o’clock is you are still to make your booking. Go to the code is G7DLR.
Mathletics The passwords are now available and will be stuck into homework books this week. Mathletics is extremely effective for fast recall of basic number knowledge facts and for practise of other maths concepts. There is a good help section attached to every concept helping the children gain a deeper understanding. The expectation is that children access the mathletics site on a daily basis. Initially this will be to take part in Mathletics Live but as from next week mathletics homework activities will be set on a weekly basis. Please let me know if accessing mathletics at home will be difficult for your child.

Don’t forget to take a look at the class blog

Kind Regards,    
Karen Duligall

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

At the weekend



Thank you Taylor for sharing your writing with us. Good had some great capital letters and full stops. Taylor helped us understand where to put commas. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Principal Award

Congratulations Bronson on your Principals Award

I am good at


Building Site Week 3

We are learning to notice. Remember to use your ears as well as your eyes.
What did you notice about the digger?

We noticed that the digger was cutting up the ramp and steps. By Greta and Holly

We noticed that if you listen carefully the digger sounds like a swarm of bees. By Alex and Bronson

We noticed that the digger was breaking the concrete up. By Bhanu and Hugh

We noticed that the digger can pull stuff with its scoop. By Phoebe and Taylor

We noticed that there is a big fence around the building site so the children can be safe. By Conner and Kalani

We noticed that the scoop on the digger was squeaking. By William and Marcus

We noticed that the digger is mainly orange. By Paige and Hadley

We noticed that when the digger was holding the concrete up he could only do half of it or it might break the digger. By Millie and Zoe

We noticed that the digger was digging a big hole. By Ethan R and Isabella

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Classroom Rule Writing


We looked at Meg's rules writing and helped her with her spelling of the words field and kick. We liked her capital letter at the beginning of her writing but she forgot to put a full stop at the end of her sentence. 

Classroom Rules

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 3 Newsletter

Term 1 Week 3
Monday 13th February
Dear Parents,

At last, a full week, and we can get stuck into our learning. The timetable is up and running now although there is still some testing to be completed.

Homework Books are ready now. There is a copy of this newsletter in there as well as a reading record sheet and a spelling record sheet. Reading Groups have now started and children will be bringing home a book each day. Sometimes these will be new books and sometimes old favourites to consolidate learning and to practise reading fluently. Remember to talk about the story with your child and ask them questions to check their understanding.

You will find the spelling in the back of the homework books. The words to learn are in green. Three words go onto the spelling record sheet (in the front of the homework book) and these are to be practised for homework each night. When you have run out of green words just move onto the next spelling list.

This week I will be assessing the children’s phonic abilities to enable cross grouping between the junior classes to start next week. Children are grouped with others at the same phonic level for a 20 minute phonic session every day. This really helps both their reading and writing development.

Next week will be number knowledge week with the number ladder appearing in homework books soon afterwards.

Homework books (and reading books) need to come to school every day. They can stay in the book bag in the chair bag. Reading books that have been read go into the silver book box by the window. One copy of each book will end up in the treasure box to be chosen again on another occasion. I will keep the homework books each weekend to monitor homework and to get the next newsletter ready.

Our class library time begins this week. We are last thing on a Monday and children will each be bringing a library book home. Please return each week for a new book to be issued.
Thank you for the prompt return of all the cybersafety and internet permission slips. Its great to see that everyone can have their work published on the blog. If you have a change of heart over any of the permissions you have given please let me know and we can update the list.
A well done also to all the children for having named hats for playtime. Lots of the children are wearing their jumpers in the mornings and then discarding them as the day warms up. Please ensure that all clothes, bags, lunchboxes and drink bottles are named so item can get back to their owners.

A quick reminder about food and drinks. Water is the only drink the children should have at school. We are lucky enough to have a water fountain right outside the classroom, although if your child would prefer their own bottle that is fine.
Brain Food – we stop for 5 minutes at about 10 o’clock for our brain food. It should be quick and easy to eat. Fruit or vegetables are the best brain food. Dried fruit and nuts are also good but the dental nurse is concerned about food getting stuck between the teeth. A couple of crackers and a slice of cheese is also a good option.
Morning Tea – 10 minutes to eat just before playtime
Lunch – 15 minutes to eat just before lunch play. Any healthy foods are fine for these meals. Sandwiches, pots of yoghurt, museli bars. Chocolate biscuits are fine but small chocolates are not.

Lucky Book Club will come home later this week. Orders need to be returned to class please by Friday 2nd March. Cheques to be made payable to Havelock North Primary

Take a look at the class blog
Don’t forget to sign up for the parent teacher interviews the code is G7DLR
And a date for your diary is the school picnic – Thursday 23rd February 5:30 – 7:30. Hope to see you all there.

Kind Regards,    
Karen Duligall

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Discovery Learning

               Junior Team-Discovery Learning 2012

Discovery Time will be a regular part of the class learning programme in Rooms K1, K0, Room 2, Room 3, Room 4 and Room 5.
A little background ...the key competencies are an integral component of the New Zealand Curriculum and at HNPS, they are woven through all learning and teaching programmes.  Discovery Time provides an activity-based, student-directed context in which the key competencies are explored and developed.  Discovery Time has been developed by two teachers – Brenda Martin and Gay Hay – and has been introduced in many schools.   The Discovery Time programme allows teachers and students to co-create a positive learning environment where students direct and take responsibility for their own learning.
So, what does this mean in the classroom?  On Fridays from 11.30-12.50, the children learn through a range of well planned, structured, “hands on” experiences.  The children can make choices as to which activity they want to try, how they want to work and what they want to do. The children work alongside each other as they explore the possibilities of the activities.  At the end of each session, the children spend time sharing what they did and what they learned.
We welcome you along, if you would like to join in the fun!   Please be aware that our role as supporting helpers is not to do the task for the child but to extend their thinking by asking the right questions.  In the past we have had some very keen grandparents and Dad’s helping out.  The more the merrier!! 
We welcome any of the following items to be used in Discovery Time. Please send them along to your child’s class teacher-
Magazines, boxes-mainly small to cereal sized, wool, material, braiding, cardboard cylinders ( not toilet rolls), wood off cuts for carpentry construction, pine-cones, shells, cards, ribbons, beads, corks, lids and any other items that the children could use creatively!!
Discovery time begins this Friday, 11.30.  If you are able to help out, please speak to your child’s teacher.  We would love to see you.

Week 2 News

Tuesday 7th February
Dear Parents,

Welcome to Week 2.

Last week was fabulous. It was great getting to know all of your children. They have begun to make mats for their tables and have been drawing both themselves and their families. This week the focus is on subjects and activities that they enjoy, both at home and at school. We will be looking at strengths, and areas in which we would like to improve.

Some of the class have begun their self portraits – using a photo of themselves as a starting point. They are looking fantastic already and I can’t wait until they begin to get a bit of colour on them.

Reading – this week will mostly be shared. Your child will bring home a book most days that we have read in class. As it is a shared book you may find it is above or below their reading level. Please feel free to discuss the book or to read another book off your shelves at home or from the library.  School library books will come home next week, our library day will be a Monday. Homework expectations are that your child will read every day. I know how busy life can be and children are welcome to take the same book home over a few nights – don’t feel you need to read it all in one go. However please do send the books in each day as we will often work on them as part of our literacy activities.

Spelling – Last week I ‘tested’ spelling using the essential word lists. The words that your child needs to work on will appear in the back of the homework book this week.

Although Homework books have not come home tonight they will be coming home later this week. Please make sure they come to school in the book bag every day.

Maths – This week we are learning about statistics. Those of you who have been into the classroom or onto the class blog will have seen our “What did we do in the holidays” chart. This week we will have a go at collecting our own data and making our own charts.

Thank you for sorting through the mass of notices I sent home last week. I am processing your contact details and hope to be emailing you later in the week to confirm your email addresses. We will start to use our stationery this week as well. Many thanks for getting that purchased and named so promptly.

Do drop by any time to see what we are up to in class. I can be hard to track down in the mornings but am usually available after school for a quick chat, or on a Monday or Thursday (my non-meeting days) if you wish to make an appointment for a longer talk. Please email me, contact the office or send a note in your child’s book bag if you would like to arrange a time.

Kind Regards,    
Karen Duligall

I am good at

making my bed

I am good at

horse riding

I am good at


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 2 Building Site

Spot the difference!


We made a Wordle containing the names of everyone in Room 4.

Can you spot your name?

Statistics - our favourites

We wanted to know what our favourite pizza, colour, vegetable, ice-cream, playground games and pets are. We voted for our favourite by putting different colour ice block sticks onto a piece of paper.

After we had voted we made a tally chart of our results.

Most people in Room 4 like pink best. Our favourite playground game is hide and seek. Our favourite pet is a dog. We like Hawaiian pizza best and our favourite vegetable is a carrot. Our favourite ice cream is strawberry.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I am good at

bike riding
jumps on my bike

Friday, February 3, 2012