1 Week 3
Monday 13th February
Dear Parents,
At last, a full week, and
we can get stuck into our learning. The timetable is up and running now
although there is still some testing to be completed.
Homework Books are ready
now. There is a copy of this newsletter in there as well as a reading record
sheet and a spelling record sheet. Reading Groups have now started and children
will be bringing home a book each day. Sometimes these will be new books and
sometimes old favourites to consolidate learning and to practise reading
fluently. Remember to talk about the story with your child and ask them
questions to check their understanding.
You will find the
spelling in the back of the homework books. The words to learn are in green.
Three words go onto the spelling record sheet (in the front of the homework
book) and these are to be practised for homework each night. When you have run
out of green words just move onto the next spelling list.
This week I will be
assessing the children’s phonic abilities to enable cross grouping between the
junior classes to start next week. Children are grouped with others at the same
phonic level for a 20 minute phonic session every day. This really helps both
their reading and writing development.
Next week will be number
knowledge week with the number ladder appearing in homework books soon
Homework books (and
reading books) need to come to school every day. They can stay in the book bag
in the chair bag. Reading books that have been read go into the silver book box
by the window. One copy of each book will end up in the treasure box to be
chosen again on another occasion. I will keep the homework books each weekend
to monitor homework and to get the next newsletter ready.
Our class library time begins
this week. We are last thing on a Monday and children will each be bringing a
library book home. Please return each week for a new book to be issued.
Thank you for the prompt
return of all the cybersafety and internet permission slips. Its great to see
that everyone can have their work published on the blog. If you have a change
of heart over any of the permissions you have given please let me know and we
can update the list.
A well done also to all
the children for having named hats for playtime. Lots of the children are
wearing their jumpers in the mornings and then discarding them as the day warms
up. Please ensure that all clothes, bags, lunchboxes and drink bottles are
named so item can get back to their owners.
A quick reminder about
food and drinks. Water is the only drink the children should have at school. We
are lucky enough to have a water fountain right outside the classroom, although
if your child would prefer their own bottle that is fine.
Brain Food
– we stop for 5 minutes at about 10 o’clock for our brain food. It should be
quick and easy to eat. Fruit or vegetables are the best brain food. Dried fruit
and nuts are also good but the dental nurse is concerned about food getting
stuck between the teeth. A couple of crackers and a slice of cheese is also a
good option.
Morning Tea
– 10 minutes to eat just before playtime
Lunch – 15
minutes to eat just before lunch play. Any healthy foods are fine for these
meals. Sandwiches, pots of yoghurt, museli bars. Chocolate biscuits are fine
but small chocolates are not.
Lucky Book Club will come
home later this week. Orders need to be returned to class please by Friday 2nd
March. Cheques to be made payable to Havelock North Primary
And a date for your diary is
the school picnic – Thursday 23rd February 5:30 – 7:30. Hope to see
you all there.
Kind Regards,
Karen Duligall