
Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 2 News

Term 2 Week 2
Monday 30th April
Dear Parents,

Lucky Book Club – If you would like to order a book from Lucky Book Club please send the orders to the classroom by Friday 11th May. Cheques to be made payable to Havelock North Primary.

Wednedays Trip to Waipawa Settlers Museum and Oruawharo Homestead

We will be leaving shortly after 9 o’clock on Wednesday. Hopefully the weather will be good as we are planning to have lunch in the grounds of Oruawharo Homestead. Please remember that your child will need
·      Plenty of morning tea
·      Lunch
·      Water bottle
·      School hat
·      Raincoat (just in case!)
·      Sensible shoes
·      School uniform
We will be back at school ready for the 3 o’clock bell.

Thank you for all the offers to be Parent Helpers. I would love accept all of your offers and take you all. Unfortunately I will not have room for everyone on the bus but if we take 2 emergency vehicles there will be room for everyone. Please also bring a couple of dollars for a donation at the museum as we will have more adults than is strictly necessary.

For those of you that are unable to come on our trip we will be LIVE BLOGGING our experience.  I have managed to borrow an iphone and I will be posting photos and text onto the blog throughout the day. Room K4 are also studying History 150 years ago and will be following our journey. They will be texting us questions which will will try to find out the answers to as we go around the museum and the homestead.
If you are able to, we would love you to follow our progress throughout the day.

Kind Regards,    

Karen Duligall                                 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Building Site Term 2 Week 1


Things are certainly happening on the building site this term. The walls for the new classrooms have started to go up.

Easter Egg Rolling Investigation

Easter Egg Rolling Investigation

Easter Egg Rolling Investigation

Easter Egg Rolling Investigation

Easter Egg Rolling Investigation

Week 1 News

Term 2 Week 1
Monday 22nd April
Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Term 2, I hope you all had a great Easter and a relaxing break.
Discovery Learning starts again this week on Fridays at 11:20. You are all welcome to come in and work with your child during discovery time.
Homework No homework projects for a few weeks as we have restarted discovery learning. However there is still plenty of homework!
·       Reading - Your child should bring home a reading book each evening, there are new pages in the homework book to record the books read.
·       Spelling – I tested the essential words lists at the end of last term. We have one more spelling test to complete this week and the page in the back of the homework book will be updated. There are new pages in the homework book to record the spellings learnt each week and we will test again in the last week of term.
·       Maths Number Knowledge Ladder. All children will be tested this week and the new step to be focused on will be stuck in the homework book.
·       Mathletics. Four homework activities have been set and need to be completed before Live Mathletics can be accessed.
Library – Our library day is a Monday.
Stationery Some children may require more stationery items this term. Your child has written in their homework book if they need any additional stationery items. These can all be purchased at the office.
Waipawa Settlers Museum and Oruawharo Homestead Trip – This trip is next week, Wednesday 2nd May. Thank you for returning the permission slips and for so many offers of help for this trip. More information to come later in the week.
Newsletters and Notices – This is the last printed newsletter for this year. As this newsletter is printed, emailed and put on the blog I am going over to electronic communication only which will save on paper, glue and time. I will continue to email you on a Monday and put the newsletter onto the blog as well. You will continue to receive other school communication through your email (Tuesday Times etc) as usual. If this is going to be a problem for you please let me know.

Kind Regards,    
Karen Duligall

Monday, April 2, 2012

B Homework

This week our homework was on the letter 'B'. Take a look at our homework wiki for more information about some of our homework projects.

Week 10 News

Term 1 Week 10
Monday 2nd April
Dear Parents,

It’s the last week of term and we are all excited about the Easter Bunny, due to arrive so soon!
This week we will be focusing on our Easter Investigation – What sort of Easter eggs roll down hill the furthest? We hope to take photos and videos of us doing the investigation and put them onto the blog later in the week.
Homework Great homework projects again this week. I will get them onto the blog as soon as I can. Have you seen our A Homework on the blog? No homework project this week due to the short week. Next term we will be back to Discovery Learning on a Friday and projects will resume once Discovery Learning has finished again.
Grant Hastings – We had a wonderful time learning small ball skills with Grant. Have you seen us throwing and catching our balls on the blog? Hopefully Grant will be back again at the end of next term to teach us some football skills.
Library – Our library day is Monday.
Mathletics Passwords are in homework books and four pieces of homework are set each week. Homework has to be completed before children can work on other areas of Mathletics.
Mathletics Holiday Challenge This holiday I will be challenging all children in Room 4 to spend 15 minutes each day on Live Mathletics. Marcus currently holds the class record of 60 correct answers at Level 1 – can anyone beat him? Live Mathletics is great for improving instant recall of basic facts in a fun environment and can improve in-class number knowledge test results.
Chocolate Fundraising – If you have any money or chocolate left at home please send it in before the end of the week. 

Don’t forget to take another look at the class blog

Kind Regards,    

Karen Duligall                                 

Sunday, April 1, 2012