
Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 8 Notices

Notices Week 8 Term 1 2015
Monday 23rd March

Dear Parents

At Havelock North Primary we are always looking for easier and more efficient ways to communicate information to you - our parents and caregivers.
We have recently set up a text service through Twitter, which will send out information regarding school activities and events. The service will also be used to send out important information in an emergency such as after an earthquake.

If you would like to subscribe to our text service please text ​the words:    ​follow @HNPrimary
to the number:   ​8987
You can unsubscribe from the service at any time by texting STOP
Please note that the service is outgoing from Havelock North Primary only.

As part of our Citizenship in the Community inquiry we have been thinking about ways to make our classrooms positive learning communities. We have also been thinking about places that are special to us. This week we start to think about people who are special to us and we will be learning how to write character portraits.

Last week our PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus was using polite language, tone and voice level. Congratulations to Tilda Shennan (Room 15) and William Lee Smyth (Room 14) who received the PB4L certificate. This weeks focus is correct behaviour when going to the office.

Lucky Book Club orders are due back in by March 30th. Please can cheques be made payable to Havelock North Primary School.

Library - Now that the school library is up and running we will be having library time every Monday. Please remember to send library books back every Monday so children can choose new books.

Kind regards
Toni Te Whaiti & Karen Duligall

Homework Week 8 Term 1 2015

The amount of time given to complete the tasks will vary depending on what is required. 20 minutes a night is a good guide, but children are very busy these days and if you don’t have time to fit the homework in some days, or your child is just too tired, that is fine.
Take a book home each night. You might get a book from your teacher, your group browsing box or from the library.
Get a member of your family (Mum, Dad, Grandma etc) to sign the reading log in your Book Bag.
Bring your Book Bag to school every day.
Books only go home in Book Bags.
Next week we will be writing about a person who is special to us. Talk to your family about a person who has been important in your life. Think about why this person is special. Jot down the things you want to remember. Perhaps you might be able to find a photograph or a treasure that reminds you of that person.
This weeks homework is a printable sheet from Studyladder.


Golden Time

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 7 Notices

Notices Week 7 Term 1 2015
Monday 16th March

Dear Parents

Wow - Camp was amazing, but exhausting. Today the children are full of all the exciting activities they took part in. Its really interesting to hear how much they enjoyed some of the activities that they were so nervous about before they went.

Last week our PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus was entering and exiting the classroom. Congratulations to Victoria Brougham who received the PB4L certificate. This weeks focus is using polite language, tone and voice level.

Kind regards
Karen Duligall

Homework Week 7 Term 1 2015

The amount of time given to complete the tasks will vary depending on what is required. 20 minutes a night is a good guide, but children are very busy these days and if you don’t have time to fit the homework in some days, or your child is just too tired, that is fine.
Take a book home each night. You might get a book from your teacher, your group browsing box or from the library.
Get a member of your family (Mum, Dad, Grandma etc) to sign the reading log in your Book Bag.
Bring your Book Bag to school every day.
Books only go home in Book Bags.
This week we are working on our camp presentations. We have been writing in class but we need pages of pictures from camp to make our presentation exciting. Find as many photos as you can, that you are in, and aff them to your presentation.
This weeks homework is a printable sheet from Studyladder about area.



Week 6 Notices

Notices Week 6 Term 1 2015
Wednesday 11th March

Dear Parents

Wow - Camp was amazing, but exhausting. Today the children are full of all the exciting activities they took part in. Its really interesting to hear how much they enjoyed some of the activities that they were so nervous about before they went.

Last week our PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus was getting to class on time. Congratulations to Trinity Southey who received the PB4L certificate. This weeks focus is entering and exiting the classroom.

Kind regards
Karen Duligall

Homework Week 6 Term 1 2015

Only reading homework this week due to camp.
This week books will come home from the browsing box. I do appreciate that children will be very tired this week, so see how it goes.


Week 5 Notices

Notices Week 5 Term 1 2015
Monday 2nd March

Dear Parents

Last week our PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus was Staying within the School Boundaries. Congratulations to Becs Cadenhead who received this weeks PB4L certificate. This weeks focus is Being in Class on Time.

Other important dates:

Triathlon - Monday 2nd March.
Parent Interviews - Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th March
Camp - Stoney Creek Ranch
Room 15 - Monday 9th March - Tuesday 10th March.
Room 14 - Wednesday 11th March - Thursday 12th March.

Kind regards
Karen Duligall

Homework Week 5 Term 1 2015

The amount of time given to complete the tasks will vary depending on what is required. 20 minutes a night is a good guide, but children are very busy these days and if you don’t have time to fit the homework in some days, or your child is just too tired, that is fine.
Take a book home each night. You might get a book from your teacher, your group browsing box or from the library.
Get a member of your family (Mum, Dad, Grandma etc) to sign the reading log in your Book Bag.
Bring your Book Bag to school every day.
Books only go home in Book Bags.
Maths Study Ladder Position and Orientation Tasks.

Week 4 Notices

Notices Week 4 Term 1 2015
Monday 23th February

Dear Parents

Last week our PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus was lining up correctly. Congratulations to Caleb Oxley from Room 14 and Hetty Elliott from Room 15 who received this weeks PB4L certificates. This weeks focus is Staying within the School Boundaries.

Thank you to those who attended the School Picnic. It was great to see you there.

Kapahaka - The Kapahaka group will be returning again this year but a time for practises is yet to be confirmed. Mrs Henare will inform us when the group is to start.

Well done to everyone who participated in the swimming sports last Monday. You all did really well.

Other important dates:
Parent Interviews - Wednesday 25th Feb
Triathlon - Monday 2nd March. We will all be participating, and it's first thing in the morning. We will be discussing this event in class over the coming week to sort out teams and see who is swimming, cycling and running. There is also the opportunity for children who want to, to compete individually.
Camp - Stoney Creek Ranch
Room 15 - Monday 9th March - Tuesday 10th March.
Room 14 - Wednesday 11th March - Thursday 12th March.

Kind regards
Toni Te Whaiti & Karen Duligall

Homework Week 3 Term 1 2015

The amount of time given to complete the tasks will vary depending on what is required. 20 minutes a night is a good guide, but children are very busy these days and if you don’t have time to fit the homework in some days, or your child is just too tired, that is fine.
Take a book home each night. You might get a book from your teacher, your group browsing box or from the library.
Get a member of your family (Mum, Dad, Grandma etc) to sign the reading log in your Book Bag.
Bring your Book Bag to school every day.
Books only go home in Book Bags.
Complete a mind map of all the ’groups’ that you are involved in or belong to in your life. Example: Guides, Mum’s side of the family, Life saving etc.
Maths New tasks are set on Study Ladder as we are now moving on to look at position and orientation.

Paper Aeroplanes

Week 3 Notices

Notices Week 3 Term 1 2015

Monday 16th February

Dear Parents

Last week our PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) focus was Eating appropriately at morning tea and lunch and dealing with your litter. Congratulations to Jack Boyle who received the Room 14 PB4L certificate. This weeks focus is Lining up.

The school picnic is the Wednesday (18th) from 5:30. Bring your picnic to the school field. Let’s hope for some good weather.

Kapahaka - The Kapahaka group will be returning again this year but a time for practises is yet to be confirmed. Mrs Henare will inform us when the group is to start.

Lucky Book Club comes home tonight. If you would like to order a book please send the order form and money (Cheques made payable to Havelock North Primary) by Monday 23rd February.

Other important dates:

Art Deco Dress Up Day - optional dress up Friday 20th February. School uniform for those not in Art Deco clothing.

Interschool Swimming - Monday 23rd February This event is for a small group of Year 4s who will be chosen to represent Havelock North Primary at the Interschool Swimming event. Children will be chosen based on their performance in the championship events at Mondays Swimming Sports.

Triathlon - Monday 2nd March. We will all be participating, and it's first thing in the morning. We will be discussing this event in class over the coming weeks to sort out teams and see who is swimming, cycling and running. There is also the opportunity for children who want to, to compete individually.

Camp - Monday 9th March - Tuesday 10th March. I have had many offers of help for camp. I will be drawing names out of a hat on Monday and informing the lucky parents on Tuesday this week.

Kind regards
Karen Duligall

Homework Week 3 Term 1 2015

The amount of time given to complete the tasks will vary depending on what is required. 20 minutes a night is a good guide, but children are very busy these days and if you don’t have time to fit the homework in some days, or your child is just too tired, that is fine.
Take a book home each night. You might get a book from your teacher, your group browsing box or from the library.
Get a member of your family (Mum, Dad, Grandma etc) to sign the reading log in your Book Bag.
Bring your Book Bag to school every day.
Books only go home in Book Bags.
All about Me. Think about yourself as a learner. What have you learnt to do recently? Ride a bike? Knit? Is there something you would really like to learn to do?
Record your homework on your homework sheet in your google drive.

Something I have learnt to do recently is.....
Something I would like to learn to do is...
At school this week we are learning about the size of a metre. Take home a meter straw or string and measure the following distances in meters. You can can record them on your homework sheet in your google drive.

The distance from your letterbox to your front door.
The length of your bedroom.
The length of your hallway.
If you walked 10m from your letterbox where would you end up?

Week 2 Notices

Monday 9th February

Dear Parents

Thank you for getting through all of last weeks paperwork and sending it back so promptly. Every child in Room 15 also has their stationery - thank you for getting this sorted out so quickly, it makes it so much easier for your child.

The paperwork does not stop! Camp letters are coming home tonight. Please can you complete them and return by Friday 13th February. If you are interested in coming to camp as a camp parent please also complete and return the Parent Helpers form.

PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) went well last week and we all learnt to walk safely around the school. Congratulations to Oliver Perwick who received the Room 15 PB4L certificate. This weeks focus is Eating appropriately at morning tea and lunch and dealing with your litter.

Meet the Teacher meeting is tomorrow night (Tuesday 10th) at 6:45. We meet on the field at 6:45. We will go to the classroom after that to discuss class matters, camp and address any specific Blended Learning questions you may have.

Other important dates:

Swimming this Wednesday - don’t forget togs, goggles and towel. We leave school at 1:30 - if you are available to come and help for an hour it would be much appreciated.

Weetbix Triathlon is this week. If you child has entered then I hope they have a great day. Prizegiving is usually at about 1 o’clock and children are welcome to come back to school in their triathlon shirts if they wish or they can go straight home for a lie down (that would be me!)

School Picnic - Wednesday 18th February on the school field at 5:30 - lets hope for good weather :)

Swimming Sports - Monday 16th February. We are all taking part so you are welcome to come and support your child. First race is at 9:20.

Triathlon - Monday 2nd March. Again we will all be participating, and again it's first thing in the morning. We will be discussing this event in class over the coming weeks to sort out groups and see who is swimming, cycling and running. There is also the opportunity for children who want to, to compete individually.

Interschool Swimming - Monday 23rd February This event is for a small group of Year 4s who will be chosen to represent Havelock North Primary at the Interschool Swimming event. Children will be chosen based on their performance at Swimming Sports.

This week homework will go into your child’s google drive, be emailed to you and it will come home on paper.
This week children will start to bring home books at their reading level. Initially they may bring home books that they have already met from a level below their current reading level. This is to ensure that they have enjoyment and success in their reading. Some days they will bring home a book they have read with the teacher and some days a choice from a browsing box.

I hope to see many of you tomorrow at Meet the Teacher.

Kind regards

Karen Duligall