
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 7 Notices

Dear Parents,

We had a fantastic morning at Chesterhope Bridge this morning. The children were all really well behaved and we filled a trailer with all the rubbish we found, as well as managing to recycle a load of plastic and glass. Huge thank yous to all the parents who took time out of their day to drive us to the venue and back, as well as pick up litter with their groups. We could not run this kind of activity without you.

Tomorrow is the Year 3 duathlon. We are looking forward to supporting the Year 3s at their event just as they came to support us at our triathlon.

Wednesday and Thursday are Learning Conferences. If you have not yet booked a time please go to and put in the code jjq4p.

On Wednesday school will be closing at 12:30.
If you would like your child to stay on in the hall please email and let me know (even if they normally go to after school care).
If you are collecting your child at 12:30 please can you collect them from the classroom, or email me and let me know where to send them to (dell, drop off zone etc)
Any children not collected from the classroom will be sent to the hall.

I look forward to seeing you all later in the week.

Thank you

Karen Duligall

Tough Kids 2016

Week 6 Notices

Dear Parents,

We have a busy few weeks coming up.

Today everyone was amazing at the School Triathlon. Well done to everyone for taking part.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Tough Kids. We will be calling roll at 8:30 and heading off to the Hawkes Bay Sports Park on buses. Children do not need to wear their school uniform. If possible they should wear performance shirts, otherwise a blue t-shirt will be fine. They will need sunscreen applied before they come to school, a hat and a drink bottle. We will also be taking brain food and morning tea with us.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we have PATs (Progressive Achievement Tests). This year we are doing Mathematics, Reading Comprehension and Reading Vocabulary. If you would like to know more about PATs please visit Understanding PATs - for Parents and the Community (
I plan to do all the PATs online as I think this is an easier way for the children to complete the tests. I am also able to read certain parts of the tests to children who need a reader, who would benefit from the extra assistance and to those who are a bit nervous about the whole thing. In actual fact the tests are just like playing some games on Studyladder, so hopefully the class will enjoy them!

Studyladder has been set up for this year. Log on details for your child are below.

Have a great week :)

Karen Duligall

Buddy Reading with Room 21

Glockenspiel with Mrs Glenn

Week 5 Notices

Dear Parents,

We have had such an exciting day today. Firstly Mrs Glenn is taking the class to allow me to work on the computers and iPads. Whenever Mrs Glenn is in class we take advantage of her expertise and get the glockenspiels out - great fun! Then we found out that over the weekend the class fish have had babies! Seven of them! We have to look very carefully though because they are so tiny. And finally because it is a very special day today, February 29th, we have been writing letters to our future selves. We have told them all about our lives now and our goals for the future. These letters will be coming home later in the week to be put in very special places so they can be opened up and read in four years time.

It is actually a quiet week this week. Mrs Glenn is in again on Wednesday for my curriculum release time,  to allow me to to work individually with the children.
This Wednesday is also the last Sausage lunch day - $1:50 per sausage.

Next week it gets really busy! Saturday is Race for Life. The school have entered a number of teams in this event including a teacher team. I start off at 11am.

Monday is the School Triathlon. Your child will have brought home a letter about this last week. Tomorrow they will bring home a note explaining which leg of the team race they will be doing. In order for this to run smoothly we will be having a practice this Friday. So if your child is a swimmer they can bring their togs, if they are a cyclist they can bring their bike on Friday to practise. If they don’t bring their things they can still have a walk through of the course.

Tuesday is Tough Kids. There was also a letter about this event last week. The main thing to remember is that all children need to be at school at 8:30 as we head off to the sports park at 8:45 at the latest.

Both of these letters are in the Homework Folders.

Last week the Council attended the Board of Trustees meeting. From your survey results and with student safety at the centre of decision making,  it has been decided the drop off zone in the morning will continue, but the pick up zone after  school will be disbanded. This will be effective from Monday 29 February. The Council want to see how this change unfolds before committing to a pedestrian crossing outside  the school. There will be further work during the year on developing walking buses and the "Move it" programme will also be introduced this term. More information on this will follow in due course. The Board acknowledges this change will not meet the approval of all, but we will hopefully see a safer school frontage as a result.

Don’t forget this Wednesday is the Whanau Hui at 5:30. Please come along for a chat and a sausage.

Have a great week
