
Monday, June 11, 2012

Term 2 Week 8 News

Learning Conferences begin tomorrow. Children have been busy practising and choosing work that they are proud of to share with you.
Remember that school closes early (1 o’clock) on both Tuesday and Wednesday. Children will need to be collected from the classroom. Thank you to those parents who have let me know about different arrangements.

School Photos will be taken on June 21st. I have the envelopes for ordering in the classroom now and they will be coming home on Tuesday.

This Friday is a Mufti Day, raising money for a school in Kenya. Mrs Boyd is off to Kenya in the holidays to run a half marathon to raise even more money for worthy causes.

Omnigym - Next term we will be off to Omnigym in Onikawa for gymnastics. A letter will be coming home on Tuesday. I will need parent helpers to transport children to the gym in their cars and also to take groups when we are there. You don’t need a knowledge of gymnastics or high levels of fitness to take part, you would be put on an activity and told by the instructors exactly what to do. Comfortable dree is essential and shoes need to be removed in the gym. If you can help please fill in the form and return as soon as possible.

Grant Hasting is here on Friday teaching us some more sporting skills.

Project Homework is the letter ‘E’
Children can take any subject starting with the letter ‘E’ and find out some facts about it. It could be a place, country, animal, instrument or a person even! We love to learn new facts on any subject. Children can then present their new learning in any format they choose. They can create a poster to go on the classroom wall. They can talk about their subject, maybe they can bring it in? They could also use the computer for the project. They can create in word, power point, publisher, maybe even find a youtube video, create a wordle or a voki – the sky’s the limit! If the project is digital either email it to me, bring it in on a memory stick or put it straight onto the Room 4 Homework Wiki. The link to the wiki is on the blog and the password and username are exactly the same as the ones for Mathletics. Have a look on the Wiki (the link is on the blog) for some ideas and some ‘How to…” advice for digital projects.

Lost Property Apparently the lost property is overflowing outside the hall, so if you are missing an item of clothing or a lunch box there is a good chance that it will be there.

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